By March of 1938, two of the greatest female performances in screen history had been released within a month of each other: Bringing Up [an Untamed Leopard] and Jezebel represented new maturation points for Katharine Hepburn and Bette Davis.
I recall reading that Baby director Howard Hawks said about Hepburn that she didn't play a single scene here in the same style as any other scene, but her Susan Vance is a sustained, delirious creation, as stylized as her earlier performances but supremely confident and elegant. In spirit, she could be the prototype for the Lucy of I Love (same).
Postscript: Just a few months later, Hepburn would give another of her great performances, extremely moving in the romantic comedy Holiday. In both Holiday and Baby, she also had her greatest co-star in Cary Grant...
I recall reading that Baby director Howard Hawks said about Hepburn that she didn't play a single scene here in the same style as any other scene, but her Susan Vance is a sustained, delirious creation, as stylized as her earlier performances but supremely confident and elegant. In spirit, she could be the prototype for the Lucy of I Love (same).
Postscript: Just a few months later, Hepburn would give another of her great performances, extremely moving in the romantic comedy Holiday. In both Holiday and Baby, she also had her greatest co-star in Cary Grant...